Today has been a feathery day

I’m lying in bed, having warm, lazy Sunday snuggles with the furball, when I hear screeching. It’s loud and it’s close and Meep is straight out of bed and up on the window sill, curious and alert, both of us wondering what the hell is going on. When the noise doesn’t die down immediately, I […]

I’m not sure those words mean what you think they mean.

I recently read some discussion around the support or otherwise of defunding and essentially eliminating the US’s Department of Justice’s Violence Against Women program. The poster wanted genuine dialogue in an attempt to understand how Trump supporters see their man’s actions and this is to be the first of several questions he intends to ask […]

Attention Hijack

This morning I drove into work past a fire. As I approached, I could see a billowing plume of dark grey smoke and thought at first that the lorry coming toward me had a serious problem – but as I came closer, I could see that the smoke was emanating from a ground floor front […]